Would you like to have a toner, firmer body? Then it's about time to start getting lean muscle in order to wear your favorite shirt with your skinny jeans. Obviously, you need to be more consistent with you goal because this is not an easy job. Here are some helpful tips on getting lean muscle effectively:

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Tip # 1:  Eat small, frequent meals

You need to count on your calorie intake depending on your body calorie requirements. Choose a healthy diet of fresh fruits and vegetables that could boosts you metabolism. Eat white lean meat like chicken, turkey and fish this food are great source of protein. In getting lean muscle you also need carbs like oatmeal, whole grains, brown rice and potatoes. But of course everything in moderation is a must. Therefore, try to eat five to six times of smaller meal all throughout the day.

Tip # 2:  Avoid frozen, processed foods

As part of your goal of getting lean muscle, try to avoid junk foods containing white flour, refined sugar and processed fats. Your main goal is to gain more lean muscle not gaining weight. You should be aware of the food you are eating as to avoid weight gain instead of getting lean muscle.

Tip # 3:  Exercise and more exercise

As everybody knows you can't achieve your set goal of getting lean muscle by just a healthy diet but precisely with more routine exercises. You can try oblique crunches, bicycling or even swimming or rowing and many others. Be sure to take action and do your routine exercises on time.

Always make sure to be more focus with self motivation. Don't you ever lose your direction and be brave to face all the hardships of dieting and exercising. For sure in due time you will see a rewarding result of having firmer, leaner muscles. Be sexy and good luck!

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